Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Birth day

No, not the baby's. That would be way too easy.

Today is my dear husband's 31st birthday. Sadly, we're both at work, I have a cold, and his celebration is going to consist of take-out sushi and hopefully a fancy dessert if I can pull my act together this evening. We bought him a few presents over the weekend during our 11-hour Black Friday shopping marathon, and he seems pretty pleased with those. Poor guy will forever have to share his birthday month with our anniversary and the baby, which kind-of takes the specialness away, unfortunately. But I figured I could at least write him a little thank-you letter and post it here so everyone on the Internet knows how amazing I think he is.

Dear Sam,

While I wish your birthday could be marked with lavish celebration and great rejoicing every year as you certainly deserve, this year I hope sharing the night with me and your little-girl-to-be will suffice because, well, it's all I've got for you. I wish there were some way I could show you how immensely grateful and happy I am to be sharing my life with you on this day. In the three short years we've known each other, we have experienced so much joy and accomplished every goal we have set together, and I cannot imagine having a better partner than you.

Thank you for every moment that we spend together, for your patience and kindness, your enthusiasm and optimism. Thank you for second chances and forgiveness and your unwavering support through all types of challenges. Thank you for being willing to compromise and for always keeping an open mind to new experiences and ideas. Thank you for working so hard at everything in life, and for never giving up on me or yourself. Thank you for creating a new life with me and sharing my excitement for building our family, even when the process is less-than-enjoyable. You have made a lot of difficult choices and sacrifices over these last few years, and I know it hasn't been easy, but I hope it has been worth it.

I love you more and more every day, and I know we have decades of wonderful and crazy adventures ahead of us. There is no one in the world I would rather grow old with.

Yours forever and ever,

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