Monday, December 7, 2009

I'll try anything

Yes, I know I'm only 38 weeks and TECHNICALLY, this kid has 14 days before she's even overdue. But anyone who knows me realizes patience is not my strong suit. Combine natural impatience with incredible discomfort, and you have a woman ready to try anything to move things along at a quicker pace.

The ridiculousness about anything rumored to hasten or induce labor is that there is actually no way of knowing or proving if they work. Ultimately, babies just come when they want to and in all likelihood, nothing we do really affects them one way or another. But here's what I've tried so far:
  • red raspberry leaf tea every day for the last 2 months - this actually isn't supposed to induce labor, just tone the cervix to prepare for a more effective labor
  • evening primrose oil at every meal for the last 2 weeks
  • pineapple - tons of pineapple, with some kiwi and mango thrown in for good measure
  • tons of cardio - the other day I informed Sam I wasn't coming home from the gym until the baby was born...after 45 minutes on the treadmill and 30 minutes on the elliptical, I had to face the fact it wasn't going to happen
  • spicy food - Thai, Malaysian, clumps of wasabi with my sushi...nothing
  • squatting, sitting on an exercise ball, climbing stairs
  • relaxation and visualization - if only I had the power to make things happen just by thinking about them, life would be a lot more interesting
  • and yes, the one everyone suggests with a giggle, since nothing is funnier than the idea of an enormously pregnant woman having lots of sex

Still yet untried:

  • labor induction acupuncture
  • massage
  • castor oil - I have to say, this is my last last resort since everything I've read makes it sound absolutely horrible and I feel awful enough without help

Am I forgetting anything? It's 14 days until the due date, so I'm open to suggestions...


So I got a prenatal massage yesterday. While it was amazing and I felt way more relaxed and in less pain afterwards, I'm still very pregnant.

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