Thursday, December 17, 2009


It's only a matter of time now. After a small meltdown the other night, I am feeling a bit better about everything, and I do feel like she might come soon. Regardless, I think I'll probably hold off on any further commenting on the situation until everything is over, just to avoid making myself insane.

As the year comes to a close and I think about spending almost all of it being pregnant, I realize just how much my life has changed in 2009. We started the year as newlyweds, and we're going to finish it as parents, which is a bit crazy. But every day I am even more certain that we have made the right choices and we're going to fine, better than fine, with the inevitable chaos of 2010.

And while I still think 10 months is a totally ridiculous amount of time to be pregnant, it has forced us to pause somewhat and adjust to the idea of being three instead of two.

I'm done counting days because at this point, does it really matter?

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