Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Great Pumpkin!

Halloween is a holiday for two groups of people - those who can get drunk in their fun/slutty/clever costumes and those who have small children. This year, we fell into neither category, so it was a fairly uneventful day. I made pumpkin cupcakes for a friend's pre-party gathering and we went to her apartment to hang out for a little while before they headed to a big event somewhere. We were home by 11 - and I was totally OK with this.

The next day, we picked up a deeply discounted costume for the little one to wear for Purim (that's like Jewish Halloween, for those unfamiliar with the concept) and completed our list of "Things to Buy Before the Baby Comes" a little bit early. Weeks early. I can't help it, I find preparation to be profoundly calming, even when I know I'm being a little crazy.

Oh and in case anyone is interested in making pumpkin cupcakes, I found the recipe via Photograzing on Serious Eats. I made them exactly as instructed with the exception of the fresh ginger. I also used just a basic vanilla vegan buttercream frosting, just because it's easy to pipe and it stays put when being transported long distances on the subway. They turned out beautifully moist and pumpkin-y, and of course, Sam's piping skills made them look pretty good too.
49 days until my due date. Not that I'm counting or anything.
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